Saturday, 23 March 2013

The Lifta Wagon

I Couldn't think of a better picture to start this post!
So after much hard work, the Lifta Wagon is 95% complete, since it's last post I have cracked on and painted up the rest of the crew, the Tyres (I lied, they didn't need pumping up) exhaust pipes, rust, and lots of work has gone into painting the Lifta Arm and Weapon itself... (to name just a few.)

Such a Beast that one spotter was just not enough!
A real pleasure to paint, I estimate that a good 15+ hours have been put into this, which is probably more than I have ever spent on a single model... 

The Mekboy

I love the crooked grin, the look of glee as he pulls that lever down and ruins someones day... I will also get round to fixing that arm... 


And Tracks

As you can see above, there is a decent amount of rust setting in, just a light drybrushing with some brown paint (Vermin Brown I believe) was used to create this effect, and It has to be said I'm really pleased with how its come out, to me, I feel its just the right amount. 

And a few more further out shots, for the whole picture...

The Real Thing!

Cannot wait to drop this beast on the battlefield

The Other Side?

So what's next for the Bad Moons, a very good question indeed, I may have already started on their next Wagon, this one however wont be nearly as fancy, used to escort a mob of Ork Boyz around... That's not to say it isn't a massive conversion though... Here's what I've got so far...

The Chasis ready to be added to

The very, very basics...
There is, obviously a hell of a lot of work to go into this model before I even think about adding any colour to it, my main problem I feel is how will I get the vehicle to have that Battle Wagon feel to it... I would want to confuse/piss off my opponent.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A Little Question

Okay so, just a small post today...

For my Snakebites I've hit a bit of a snag, which I would like you (yes you!) to help me with. I've knocked up a rough test model for you to have a look at and then I would like you to take two seconds to post your opinion, if it is not too much trouble...

Old Skool!

This boy don't like that gun nonsense
Should my bow armed snakebites be?

Standard Shoota Boyz, nice a boring right? but let's be honest here, bows aren't exactly the most 'special' of weapons


In keeping with the snakebite theme, my Tankbustas are going to be modeled up as Big Game Hunters, responsible for hunting down all the Boars and Squiggoths and whatever else they may find in their native lands...

could I use this Boy to represent a Rokkit Launcha armed Tankbusta, the theory being they need to weaken the creature before capturing/killing it?

As you should be able to see there is a poll on the side of my blog, please select your view for me and feel free to leave a comment :)


Sunday, 10 March 2013

What could be more fun than dropping your enemies tanks on his troops?

So here I am with another update...

As mentioned last week my local Game Workshop has a painting competition for a vehicle/monster this month and what more inspiration did I need to paint up my Lifta Wagon... I have to say, this one has been great fun to paint up so far... Taking the bull by the horns as it were I've dived straight in with painting yellow (certainly a challenge)

The Basics
So here she is, with pretty much the hull done... I'm so glad I'm doing orks and they are allowed to look dirty, as making sure the yellow was pristine would just be such a pain in the arse. What we have above is I would estimate about between five and ten hours of painting, and is as it stands a long way off from being completed. 

A Closer Look?
As you can see, the basics are done and I have now applied a wash of both Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade to the entire Battlewagon (Not the lifta arm yet) which I feel has given the Wagon a nice dirty look to it... typically Orky...

The tyres are currently being pumped up...
I love the contrast of the yellow and black, it was really fun to sit down and paint each individual section, and figure out as I went along which would be yellow and which would be black

It wouldn't be right not to show the Bad Moon symbol
As it stands there is a lot of work that still needs to be done, and plenty of weathering to boot too!

Am I brave to Paint on some black flames?
As you can probably see there is still a lot of work to be undertaken for this to be complete...

Lifta Arm WIP
The Lifta Arm is coming along nicely, you have to love Forge World and the amount of detail they put into their models, very impressive...

Hey Come Back!
Lots of work to still do on the back too... I also have painted up the Grot Rigger for this beast...

Here you can see him tinkering away, he was really easy to paint up a real pleasure actually... now there's just the rest of the crew to be completed, but all in good time... I still have at least two weeks to continue work on this beauty, oh and I may have ordered some parts for the second Battlewagon too... If I can pull it off, it'll be an awesome conversion...


until next time


Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Black & Yellow

just a quick update...

Seen as I'm on my induction course for my new job and don't get to do any modelling/painting I thought I would post a quick photo from before I left... taken from an iPhone, the quality isn't great but something is better than nothing right?

It's like a big metallic bumble bee!
Very much looking forward to putting some more work into this when I get back... in fact it almost reminds me off...
I'm seem to have an Obsession with Black and Yellow...
I also should really stop taking photos on my bed...


Friday, 1 March 2013

Back to the Primitive...

Okay so firstly, do not worry, today's blog shall not include any spoilers, this for they shall not even contain any Night Lords at all, I felt it was time to give the Orks a little bit of love, seen as they have not been seen since the New Year.

Anyway, on with the show, as you should hopefully know, these Orks are from the Snakebite Clan (hell the Soulfly reference should have been a good enough hint) which is going to be the first of my Ork Clans, I have always had an affinity with the Greenskins and I love the tribal nature of the Snakebites, as such I very much wanted to make an army of them...

However, with such an army, you are always restricted with what you can get away with as it is important to maintain the feel of the army. As such I ordered several torsos from an English website called Bitz Box, go check them out, they are a great resource: 

So with these pieces and a Box of Ork Nobz from my FLGS, I set about building a unit of 20 Ork Boyz complete with a Nob with a Big Choppa and Boss Pole and 2 Big Shootas

Grey Tide?

Here is the mob in all its glory, ready to be painted (I probably should actually do some painting at some point)...

Da Nob
The Nob still needs a little work, filling the gap between the 'business end' of his club and his hand for example, but generally I'm very pleased with this fella.

Dakka Dakka

 the two big shoota boyz, the nob and there mates... ready to do some crumpin'

general boyz
A mix of fantasy and 40k parts went into these to help give them a slightly archaic feel...

However the general footsloggers are not the only models that have been receiving a bit of TLC... The Boar Boyz are also all built

Why go to war on foot when you can ride a bloody pig?

The Unit is now up to 8 strong, which coincidently is how many Boar Boyz feature in the 1000 point army...

And they're off!

So now you have seen the pretty pictures, now for a little motivation. On the 1st of EACH month I vow to update this blog with what next months objectives shall be, this I hope will help me to meet my goals that I have set at the beginning of the year...

So the objectives for March:


I vow to have my 1000 pt Snakebite Army Built (Another 20 Ork Boyz and 10 Tankbustas and a Weirdboy)


I vow to have my 1000 pt Night Lords Army Built (Huron Blackheart, 6 Berzerkers, 14 Marines, 5 Bikers, 6 Havocs and 2 Rhinos, which are all in various stages of completion)


My local Games Workshop has a painting competition each month, last month was a Squad, I wanted to enter First Claw, but ran out of time, this month is a Monster/Vehicle...

I'm really hoping I don't balls this one up but this guy is going to be getting painted up:

Oh did I mention that is a Bad Moons Battlewagon? Or that I have never painted yellow before?

Yeah I'm screwed...