Sunday, 30 June 2013

Something Old...

So here I am once more, and as promised yesterday we have some new photos of some very old models. I have over the last few weeks been scouring the tinterweb, and managed to come up with some very, very old gems.  These models date back to Second Edition and are going to be incorporated into the Ork Snakebites.
Squig Catapults!
Fire! Fire!
I love the character that oozes out of these models, just the concept alone is brilliant. I remember my best friends dad, owning a couple in his collection and ever since have wanted my own, and besides this is probably one of the best pieces of Ork artwork that they have ever done:

It doesn't need to be said what these will be used as during games, and they have in turn furthered my inspiration. This however will not be a project which gets started for a while, as there as so many other snakebites that need to be built. It will however involve this:

So anyway, the Squig Catapults came with the following crew, so they will be built and painted up along side. 

as well as the Squig Catapults I also decided to pick up a few classic Snakebites, because well why not?

I plan on adding a few of these to each unit, to vary the army up a bit, and to pay homage to when Orks had plenty of character, something that unfortunately has dwindled in all armies since 2nd edition. Or maybe build an entire squad out of these Out of Production miniatures.

Anyway, until next time!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

time for a grumble...

So Apocalypse has finally been revealed for pre-order... And on the 360 the Khorne Lord of Skulls looks much better than the shitty image we were first presented with... And all the terrain looks very nice... all the obelisk for the necrons looks very snazzy still

so what's the problem?

'Heldrake fear squadron' (X3 Heldrakes) £135.00 while a normal Heldrake costs £45.00

The Greentide (10 units of Ork Boyz + a Warboss with Attack Squig) £195 the prices for Ork Boyz: £18.00 and the Ork Warboss: £15.00

every apocalypse formation is the same, as far as I am aware...

What is the point in releasing these massive formations of normal units only to not make the price cheaper when you bulk buy? When the last Apocalypse supplement came around, you saved on average 30% on buying the models individually...

the savings were one of Apocalypse's biggest selling points... and they have gone and stuck a middle finger up to their Customer base... again...

Anyway stop by later this weekend to see some good OOP Orks being added to my Snakebites...

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Spider Squig, Spider Squig, Does whatever a Spider-Squig does

Hello all,

just a little post today, firstly to say I am back from Download Festival, where I spent five days in a muddy field, drinking and singing along to some awesome bands, even dislocating my knee on Saturday night failed to put a dampener on my spirits, and I spent the rest of the time rocking on with a makeshift crutch.

there is a reason that I am telling you this however, and that is that my productivity with my orks may dwindle for a little while as a result, this is due to my work station being a right state (as any self-respecting Mek-Boyz would be) and as such it makes it rather difficult to get in to do any modelling/painting.

secondly, I would like to thank everybody who has ever taken the time to stop by my Blog, I have now reached 5000 views, which I am very happy about, so a big thank you to all... anyway, on with the show right?

today I have some images for you of the continued work that is going on with the Arachnarok Spider/Battlewagon, so without further ado...

the framework as it currently stands
the combination of the kits was actually relatively simple, a bit of cutting and greenstuffing and the Orks had the stand well on the way...

A little bit of dakka...
So next up were the Ork Boyz armed with Big Shootas, to protect the spider as it marches into battle

and of course a driver...

Finally a photo to show where we currently are...

and for quick reference to the first post of the battlewagon:

Until next time...

Monday, 10 June 2013

E.G.W.G. Summer Tournament

So on the 2nd of June, we hosted our first ever E.G.W.G. 40k Tournament, 3 Games, 1500 pts. We had a good turn out, of 14 players, a good mix of local and new faces, which was nice... Seen as I was running this shin-dig, I grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots of the armies in action... these are in no particular order

Chaos took the winnings, while a fantastically painted Tau army took both second and best painted, third place went to chaos and best sportsmanship fell to an Ork Player

I believe that everybody had fun and are hopefully going to return to our next tournament in September...