here it is, the fruits of my labour for January, may I present to you the first Tactical Squad, their Razorback Transport and an Attack Bike from the White Scars chapter. As I have previously mentioned, painting white for this army has been a steep learning curve and next months painting shall be undertaken with the lessons I have learnt in mind, I plan on trying to paint the models as much on the sprue as possible, this leads to it's own issues but, we shall see how this turns out and then take it from there... anyway, less rambling more photos right?
The Attack Bike, armed with a multi-melta, there will be several of these in the final army, and end result on the next one will be an improvement, that is after all what we're after...
The first Razorback, again there will be multiple examples of these in the army, the next one I may even be as bold as to try some tribal markings on it, we shall see
the complete tactical squad, they may at some point get filled in to a ten man squad, still contemplating this...
Obligatory Group Shot... It was also decided that an initial 1500 point army list should be submitted with this entry so as follows is the roster for the Dothraki Brotherhood:
Captain Drogo Khan
- Bike, Auspex, Melta Bombs, Teeth of Terra
155 pts
Sternguard Veterans (10)
- 5 Combi-Meltas, 2 Heavy Flamers
- Drop Pod
335 pts
- Veteran Sergeant with Power Sword, Flamer
- Razorback
155 pts
Tactical Squad (5)
- Veteran Sergeant with Power Sword, Flamer
- Razorback
155 pts
- Veteran Sergeant with Thunder Hammer, 2 Grav Guns
175 pts
Bike Squad (5)- Veteran Sergeant with Power Fist, 2 Melta Guns
160 pts
- 2 Multi-Meltas
110 pts
Attack Bike Squad (2)- 2 Multi-Meltas
110 pts
Storm Talon Gunship
- Typhoon Missile Launcher
145 pts
We're implemented a scoring system for our tale of four gamers, just for a little bit of friendly rivalry, this revolves around making sure you paint the quota each month, and in time, there are also bonus challenges, the first of which was to submit a 1500 point army list... so this month i've racked up 3 points, completing all three tasks... just have to wait for the others now...
so what's next? well I wont be able to resist tinkering with what I've painted, but the aside, next months painting quota is...
A space marine Bike Squad with a veteran sergeant with a Power Fist and 2 Melta Guns as well as a second Attack Bike, this comes in at 236 points, and if I get time, I might have a look at building and painting Drogo Khan to lead this host...
anyway until next time...