Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sun Tzu Says

"that the art of war is a vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety, or to ruin"

you have to love the relentless fury of Sabaton, and the quote above seems particularly relevant... anyway less babbling, this month's quota is coming along, perhaps a little behind schedule, I may have under-estimated how long it takes to paint one of those sodding bikes... Oh well, there's only like at least another thirty to paint... *Sigh* 

Now before any photos, seen as your here, please cast a vote on the poll at the side of the blog, whether in your opinion the Sternguard should be modeled up as either White Scars Veterans or a Death Watch Kill team... If you have already voted, good on you... if you haven't get to it ;)

here is the test model now complete, complete with bare head and top-knot, something which may or may not become a feature of the army...

the next three bikes as you can see are built and painted, some touching up still needs to occur, but they are coming on nicely, the riders are in the process of being assembled, the main problem is of course that they only have on style of chest plate, which needs to be swapped out as much as possible for variation.

Xarl is also coming on nicely, the bronze banding now complete, I removed the head for ease of painting Executioner, but i'm happy with the progress thus far...

a WIP shot of Tolemion, I wont lie it's been nice to not paint white on a Marine!

Most of these week's progress has gone in to painstakingly painting Tolemion's shield, taken from the Event only Boarding Marine... The Imperial Eagle is now complete, after about three or four hours painting, slow and steady

The Duel as it currently stands... Still have to build a base for these two to slot into, my main concern is that they are very dynamic, the main problem with this was I really wasn't keen on cutting up the Finecast of Tolemion's body but alas, perseverance right?

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Through the Valley of the Damned!

Evening ladies and Gents, just a small update for you today, showing that I have made a start on the White Scars Bike Squad for our tale of four gamers project this month... As I mentioned previously, I'm trying this one by painting these guys on the sprue to see if its better for White Scars, here's what I have so far...

The test model mounted on a his base, this was the first one I did separately to get a feel for what I was doing, and I have so say, he's come along quite nicely

Batch painting, slow and steady, but we're getting there...

Found an old commander sprue in my bitzbox, so I've made a start on the commander now, but all in due time right? 

If you've been reading this blog recently, you'll know this isn't the only thing that I'm painting up this month, here is my Duel Entry, slowly coming along, but hey, the end of the month is still a decent amount of time away so... Unfortunately I've hit a little bit of a roadblock, as GW have removed the Genesis Chapter pads from their webstore, and of course I haven't order the bits yet, so Tolemion is going to be a little more tricky, but here is where I'm at so...

I know, baby steps right... 

Lastly, I'm adding a poll to my blog, so if you do read this please take time to answer, very simply, I'm toying the idea of painting up the Sternguard Veteran's squad as a Deathwatch Team, seen as the rules fit perfectly with the Deathwatch Fluff, this would also provide a nice contrasting centre piece to the army and will give the opportunity to add some great character to the army, but i'm undecided, opinions on this would be greatly appreciated...