Sunday, 2 March 2014

Missing Targets

Okay first things first cast your vote!  -------------------------------------------------------------> 

Secondly, is it really already the 2nd of March? Where are the updates? What the hell is going on!?

Yeah, so White Scars bikers, completely under estimated how much time it would take to paint up a single biker, let alone the 7 models I said I would get done during February. Between that, work being a real struggle at the moment and various other things taking up my time and attention, I have fallen short of the quota, and have a group of half painted bikers... but anyway here are some WIP shots for you all to enjoy...

So as you can see the bikes are now all assembled and based, they just need the bolters attached to the front, some touch ups to details and some pesky red tribal markings

Close up of the sergeant, he seems to have lost his head, wasn't a huge fan of the pose originally, but it is growing on me

The attack bike is also at the same stage, well slightly further ahead, but being a larger model its all relative right?

Close up of some details ;)

So the war machine must carry on turning, next month?

firstly finish these guys ASAP

- Captain on Bike w/ Teeth of Terra, Melta Bombs and Auspex (plan to have those to being optional)

- Landspeeder with Typhoon Missile Launcher 

230 pts in total... and seen as its only two models, should be do able...

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