Tuesday 2 April 2013

Heavy Firepower

Okay, so the Poll has come and gone, and I would like to thank everybody who took the time to vote, and even more so those who left comments. The voting was pretty unanimous that the Ork Boy with the bow should be a stand in for a Tankbusta, which I am pleased about as this was they way I was leaning towards anyway.

Right from the moment that I started this Snakebite Klan, I had a concept set out for a couple of units of Tankbustas, which I was very keen to pursue. Being that this Snakebite Klan originates in a particularly inhospitable desert (naturally inspired by playing copious amounts of Borderlands) these Orks undergo regular assaults by a number of 'nasties'. As such many of the Orks within the tribe have developed a love for hunting and tracking what they call the 'Big Game'.

As with all Orks, the bigger and uglier their prey, the better. Big Game Huntas are their own special concoction of brave and stupid, many will leave the tribe in the search for that big game that will bring them much wealth and respect from their piers. Naturally, many never return. For those that do however, the urge to capture more creatures is so strong that they will sell their prize creatures to fund their next 'exhibishun'

As it stands, I only have six, of which only four are ready to be painted, the others have a slight case of missing an arm... this will eventually be extended to twenty, but something called Real Life keeps getting in the way (Boo Hiss!)

A new take on the Ork Tankbusta...
The six Tankbustas are above, you can see the front two are finished and they are unleashing arrows strapped with Mortars Shells, courtesy of you friendly local Imperial Guard. The two with spears will be fielded as Tankhammas their spears were taken from the Boar Chariot and were very frustrating to put together.

Got a Bug Problem? These boyz will sort it out for you...

A close up of three of the Huntas, yes I'm well aware the last one needs an arm to fire that bow... These Orks are made from a combination of Lootas, Boar Boyz, the Runtherd, Savage Orcs, Boar Boyz, Boyz Mob and obviously the Mortars from the Imperial Guard Heavy Weapon team...

While, I haven't managed to finish this unit, the Weirdboy has begun construction. Possibly one of my most frustrating units yet, I could not figure out how I was going to build a Weirdboy (The Finecast model was completely OUT of the question, as were the Shamans from fantasy). This is infact the second incarnation as I was even less happy with the first build.

Bring the Noize!
His head comes from the Savage Orc Warboss, and was one of the most frustating parts of this model as firstly it does not directly fit to the body... and secondly I dropped the stupid thing and spent the next twenty odd minutes looking for it... (really need to tidy up my modelling station)

Every good Weirdboy has a favourite severed head
The other problem with this guy is that he comes unarmed, I mean he doesn't even have a wargear section listed in the codex... At the end of the day who needs a Slugga or a Choppa when you can just fry their brain with the help of Gork (or is that Mork) but that leaves the question what to do with his bloody hands?

He still has a lot of work to go before I am happy with him, but hey it's a start right?


  1. Lightning coming out of his hands?
    Or maybe he can be cradling his power Squig?
    Or some kind of Orky magic wand?
    Or the old fashioned pointing a finger at his next victim?

  2. Thanks Spellduckwrong, those are some good suggestions, if possible I think modelling lightning coursing between his fists would look the best, might have to give that as go

  3. I also think that would be best. Unless you want to challenge yourself and combine them all. Have the Weird Boy pointing his wand which terminates in a Squig that is belching lightning towards the foe. :)
