Wednesday 1 January 2014

A New Year... A New Project...

...cause you know I've finished ALL my other ones...

So it’s been a long time since I updated this blog, a combination of gigs, work and a simple lack of motivation got in the way of doing any work on the Orks, or the Night Lords, or seemingly one hundred other projects that are always on the go. So with that in mind, what better time to get together with some friends and decide that we are going to start a completely new project?

Towards the end of November I got in contact with a couple of mates and broached the subject of doing a Tale of Four Painters/Gamers project. We spoke at some length and laid out some aims for this project as well as those pesky obligatory ground rules. Firstly we wanted to make sure that all the armies fitted to a theme, and as such we decided that they would have to be based on a red desert, in the style of the board that was made earlier in the year.

Secondly we decided that the army we chose would have to be an army which you don’t currently collect, with our group and in particular some of the participants there are barely any armies that we haven’t collected at some point, so it was important not to make this too restrictive. However this decision put both Orks and Chaos off the table for me, which was a shame as I was really tempted to start an Iron Warriors force using Imperial Guard to field a Dark Mechanicus Ally, alas it wasn’t to be and that project will have to be for another time

It was then put forward that the army you choose should challenge your skills and both a painter, and a gamer. As soon as this was agreed upon, there was one army that just kept on nagging at me to be attempted. This particular force, I have had affection for, for years, I love their background, the theme and the way they would play on the table top. The idea of an incredibly fast, hard hitting army appeals to me greatly, however, there is one problem, painting white...

The reason I have never collected a brotherhood of White Scars before is the fact that painting white scares the hell out of me. We all know this isn’t a cheap hobby and I was not convinced that I would be able to do the army justice, but sod it right? It’s time to bite the bullet and put those fears behind me, for the time of the khan is upon us. 

So each month we have to paint up a minimum of 200 points for our new army... so this month I pledge:

A 6 man tactical squad w/ Vet Sarg armed with a Power Sword, Flamer and Razorback

Attack Bike with Multimelta

This gives me 224 pts...

stay tuned ;)

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