Sunday 12 January 2014

Month 1 WIP...

So here is the first 'proper' update of the new White Scars army that I am building and safe to say, it is not a smooth road to success just yet. Having never painted such a bright army before, this has been a steep learning curve, and no doubt it shall continue to be so for a while.

So here is the tactical squad with the first stages of paint on them, what have I learnt so far?

1. painting white is hard, you need patience
2. water those paints down, white needs lots of water to stop it from being blotchy or streaky
3. a nice decent priming is essential

next batch of models I'm going to try painting on the sprue, to see if I notice any significant difference, eventually it will most likely be a mixture of both, but time will tell, anyway some more photos yes?

my first attempts at some free hand, again this is a little tricky but in time, I pray i'll get better at those straight lines (I also did one on the attack bike, but it looks terrible)

a very WIP shot of the Attack bike, this was done this evening before the photos were taken and has had no touching up as of yet...

the Razorback, I'm not convinced about the red, part of me feels its too much, part of me feels its too basic, time will tell (six months down the line, I know I'll still be tinkering with this)

obligatory group shot, lets hope I improve on this by the end of the month haha

lastly, a couple of links, to the other armies that are being built for this, we've still got to get Dan to sort out his Blog so that you can see his renegade guard, but all in good time I guess:

Adam's Eldar:

Ian's Orks:

anyway, laters ;)

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