Sunday 6 January 2013

Thinking about the future...

Hello Everybody,

Welcome back, and a happy new year...

I'm going to be honest with you, not really a fan of new years, never end up having an awesome night, normally its a lot of wasted money and effort, on top of that, everyone makes new years resolutions that end up falling by the wayside by the end of January. In my attempt to stop this from happening, I am hereby writing down my 40K related Resolutions, in the hope that I will be able to look back a year from now, and say, yes I have done all of those, and this, this and this as well.

I'm sure none of these will be a surprise to most of you, anyway here goes:

1. Have a 2000 point Ork army painted up, with a minimum of an additional 1000 pts for the ability to play in Apocalypse Games.
2. Have a 2000 point Chaos army painted up, with a minimum of an additional 1000 pts for apocalypse sized games
3. Buy, convert and paint up a Realms of Battle and some themed scenery, so I am able to play games, whenever I feel like it.

Thus by the end of the year, I want to be able to have a choice of two armies and a board to play them on... now much of the stuff I need (in particular, for the chaos) I already have, which is good because it means I can keep the costs down.

With my new years resolutions in mind, I did a little searching online for a particular item that I never got round to purchasing when they were available and now I am just waiting for this to be delivered:

Anybody remember this little Gem, believe it or now, that was two box sets ago now!
 Now I'm just waiting on my prize to be delivered, apologises for the blue hue, this photo was not taken by me, and I'm sure when this gets delivered I wont be able to resist converting it a little, the aim is to remove the 'glass' in the cockpit, to add a chair and your mandatory dead pilot.

anyway, I'll let you know how I get on soon enough,


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